Contacting the Halifax's Personnel Director
(too old to reply)
Frederick Williams
2012-08-23 15:48:57 UTC
If anyone can tell me the postal address of the Halifax's personnel
director's office, I'd be pleased to learn it. Here:
http://www.halifax.co.uk/contactus/contactushome.asp I read

Contact us by post
You can write to us at the following address:

P O Box 548

There, I would suppose, a small army of gnomes (or maybe pixies) works
away at answering queries. But I don't have a query, I have a request.
I have made it numerous times to various people and it takes this form:

Dear Mr, Mrs or Miss Struddleflap Gabbergibblet

<Chief business of letter>

Please will you and your colleagues sign your letters with a Mr, Mrs
or Miss as appropriate.

Yours sincerely

F Williams (Mr)

I continue to get letters from (let's say) Haggli Spornthorp, and I do
not know if Haggli (Struddleflap, etc) is a man or a woman's name. I do
not think it is unreasonable that I should know in order that I can
address my replies appropriately.
The animated figures stand
Adorning every public street
And seem to breathe in stone, or
Move their marble feet.
Rob Miller
2012-08-23 22:18:10 UTC
Post by Frederick Williams
If anyone can tell me the postal address of the Halifax's personnel
http://www.halifax.co.uk/contactus/contactushome.asp I read
Contact us by post
P O Box 548
There, I would suppose, a small army of gnomes (or maybe pixies) works
away at answering queries. But I don't have a query, I have a request.
Dear Mr, Mrs or Miss Struddleflap Gabbergibblet
<Chief business of letter>
Please will you and your colleagues sign your letters with a Mr, Mrs
or Miss as appropriate.
Yours sincerely
F Williams (Mr)
I continue to get letters from (let's say) Haggli Spornthorp, and I do
not know if Haggli (Struddleflap, etc) is a man or a woman's name. I do
not think it is unreasonable that I should know in order that I can
address my replies appropriately.
The animated figures stand
Adorning every public street
And seem to breathe in stone, or
Move their marble feet.
The postal address of the Halifax's personnel director's office is a closely
guarded secret to prevent pedants writing to them.
Frederick Williams
2012-08-24 17:26:54 UTC
Post by Rob Miller
Post by Frederick Williams
If anyone can tell me the postal address of the Halifax's personnel
http://www.halifax.co.uk/contactus/contactushome.asp I read
Contact us by post
P O Box 548
There, I would suppose, a small army of gnomes (or maybe pixies) works
away at answering queries. But I don't have a query, I have a request.
Dear Mr, Mrs or Miss Struddleflap Gabbergibblet
<Chief business of letter>
Please will you and your colleagues sign your letters with a Mr, Mrs
or Miss as appropriate.
Yours sincerely
F Williams (Mr)
I continue to get letters from (let's say) Haggli Spornthorp, and I do
not know if Haggli (Struddleflap, etc) is a man or a woman's name. I do
not think it is unreasonable that I should know in order that I can
address my replies appropriately.
The postal address of the Halifax's personnel director's office is a closely
guarded secret to prevent pedants writing to them.
A few years ago I was signing on the dole and in the job centre there
were machines which I could ask to list job vacancies in particular
places and particular lines of work. If I was interested in applying
for one, I would print out a slip of paper which contained the job
details and a request that application were made to (let's say)
Struddleflap Gabbergibblet with no Mr, Mrs or Miss.

I raised the problem of how to address these people with the job centre
manager, and he was sympathetic. He said he would raise the issue at
his next management meeting (or whatever it was). I continued to see
title-less names but I didn't sign on for long and I don't know if
things have changed.
The animated figures stand
Adorning every public street
And seem to breathe in stone, or
Move their marble feet.
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