Post by RogerPost by Frederick WilliamsIs there a web site or something where one may learn what the bosses of
UK charities are paid?
Yes there is, the charitycommission web site. It shows how much money all
the limited companies registered as charities are moaning on about. Look at
how poor they all are, how much is paid out in wages and expenses etc.
That is why I will never give to charity -
You can come up with as many excuses and research as you like but in reality
the only reason you never give to charity is simply because you're too
tightfistd. You're mean, and selfish and want to keep all your
money for yourself. No other reason
Same with Frederick Williams. But in his case not only is he tight but
he's too damned lazy to do his own research in the hope of coming
up with a convincing excuse why he should hang on to all his money
as well.
Oxfam actually helps people while you two pathetice specimens sit
around all day trying to come up with excuses for your meanness. Anyone
can be mean if they want to be, just spare everyone the hypocrisy will
you ? Its enough to make a person vomit.
This veteran heavyweight provides disaster relief and development programmes
in over 70 countries. In 2007-08, among other things, it helped those
by the cyclone in Bangladesh, campaigned for governments to give poor-world
farmers a better deal, and raised awareness of violence against women in
countries. In pursuit of such aims Oxfam gave over £54m of grants to over
local partner organizations.
(They spent just under a third of their total income on running costs )
FINANCIAL SUMMARYAnnual income - what the charity received in the year
Annual expenditure - what the charity spent in the year £298,400,000
Governance costs - what the charity spent to run itself £1,300,000
Fundraising costs - spent to increase income £84,200,000
Estimated government income* - carrying out gov't policy £10,400,000
Highest salary £100 000 - £110 000
Plenty of excuses in there no doubt
especially after learning a
Post by Rogerchildrens hospice were crying poverty but had £6million in the bank! I
would never give to the RSPCA either, they have millions and each part of
the limited company in different areas is registered as a charity. Even the
RNLI who also cry poverty are very wealthy, the same for others
A lot of con merchants will set up a limited company, register it as a
charity for tax purposes and use emotional blackmail to get people to part
with money. Very little of it goes to the actual "charity", most is taken
and provides a very good income.
All you need to make money is a company registered as a charity, then use
anything topical or emotional - for example, children, pets, injured
soldiers, pensioners or starving children abroad or in developing countries.
Use some horrible photos from a picture library, make up a load of rubbish
and target the right people in order to get maximum income.
Take 80% of the income as wages, expenses and administration, send 10% on
advertising and give 10% to the "charity".
No one ever questions what happens to money or assets charities have.